Josh's Personal Fitness Program

Goal Setting for Teenagers

Guiding Questions

How can you take more responsibility for your health and fitness?

The way you can take more responsibility is by getting out of the house and being active. If you lay around you are likely to have bad health.

What are goals?

To have a goal is something you want or would like to achieve and will go through all obstacles to accomplish it.

What is goal setting?

Goal setting is a process that can help provide guidance to improve yourself. It is a simple process,but one that has excellent potential to help you achieve new levels of accomplishments.

What is the difference between long-term goals and short-term goals?

long term goals are goals that take years or long periods of time to get accomplished. Short term goals are goals that can be reached in a short period of time.

What are the steps necessary for successful goals setting?

Desire, Belief in yourself,  Analyze where you are now, Set realistic goals, Write detailed goals, List benefits you will receive, Identify obstacles, Identify knowledge you will need, Make a plan of action, Develop a timeline, Monitor your progress, Never give up.